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About the Podcast

What's an eXaMENation Podcast?

The eXaMENation podcast is, at its core, just some friends talking about X-Men comics that they love. Quintin, Dane, and Kelsey all have a different history with comics and the X-Men and some have more time to read than others, but each of them love them some mutant stories. The hope is they can share that passion of these X stories with others.
Whether you are comics aficionado who can cite issue numbers looking to consume every comics based podcast on the internet or you've never touched a comic book in your life, the eXaMENation podcast has something for everyone. They guys were going to be ready these comics and talking about them anyway, they figured they might as well record it and let others join in the fun. Come enjoy these stories with us.

I don't have time for ANOTHER comics podcast. Why should I listen to this?

We know your time is precious. Once you're done working, and actually reading the comics we're talking about, why should you come listen to our podcast as opposed to all of the others? We think its the comradery and unique perspectives. These three guys go way back. Dane and Kelsey met over 20 years ago when they were in the 6th grade. A few years later, they met Quintin while in high school. When you listen to the podcast you're getting that 20+ years of friendship along with your comics discussions.
Over those years the guys have read a lot of comics, seen a lot of superheroes, and they've never stopped enjoying the X-Men stories. They've all jumped in and out of the comics at different points and read varying books. This podcast is a story of all three of them jumping back in at the same point, at the same time.
