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The Team

Quintin Ryan Imler


Although not a part of Xaver's school for gifted youngsters, Quintin Ryan Imler is a fifth grade teacher in central Missouri. Quintin, or Mr. Imler (if we are using superhero names), enjoys being an active part of his school. He plays League of Legends under the username QRush and streams under the name TSGQRUSH on Twitch. A graduate with his Masters from the University of Missouri- Columbia, Quintin still enjoys watching the Missouri Tigers play. Although he isn't the biggest X-Men fan on the team he enjoys all of Marvel, especially Nova. If you want to get Mr. Imler off topic during a boring lecture, bring up the following:
  • Pizza
  • Mass Effect 
  • Cloud 9
  • Parks and Rec

Dane A. Rennier

Co-Host, Producer

By day Dane is an assistant prosecuting attorney, spending his working hours trying to put the bad guys behind bars. When five o'clock rolls around Dane heads home to his wife and 2 year old daughter. Other than hanging out with them Dane has a multitude of nerdy hobbies. Besides just reading comics, he loves board games, esports (Go Cloud9!), and League of Legends (add me and lets play a game, Voir Dire!). Dane has non-nerdy interests as well. He is an avid football fan (Go Arizona Cardinals!), enjoys a good bourbon, and fancies himself an amateur woodworker.

Dane got into comics at a young age, picking up random comics here and there. Growing up, he fell out of the hobby but stumbled back in while in college. Since then, he takes in basically every comic with an 'X' in the title, a few that don't. Preferring to collect in the trade paperbacks and hardcovers he's finding himself running out of room on the bookshelf quickly. Someday he hopes to complete his dream of owning all of Uncanny X-Men.

Kelsey Strutz


Kelsey Strutz is an amateur Tough Guy. He is a father of two young bears. They like honey and getting close to the highway. To solve this problem Kelsey leads them on hunts. Kelsey has lots of gameness. Don't you forget it!
