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Season 6: Episode 3: To the Pit With Q!

Season 6: Episode 3: To the Pit With Q!

Inferno #3

This week the guys discuss their interest level in No Way Home’s upcoming release, Dane waxes poetic for way too long on his love of Disney+’s Hawkeye, Spiderman in video games, and brief thoughts on Destiny of X.  It wouldn’t be the eXaMENation podcast if we didn’t talk about Hellions and boy do we have a reason to this episode as the series comes to a close and, surprise, they all love it.  Do you like Cypher spying on the man?  Emma being a badass?  Tensions between Xavier and Erik?  How about time traveling robots from future timelines?  Come on, you’re listening to an X-Men podcast, you know you do.  Well, Inferno has it all, plus a promise to burn it all down.  If you don’t want spoilers, probably skip over Quintin’s prediction because it’s too good not to be right.  As the podcast nears a close, Kelsey and Dane step into the Danger Room again.  But, will they be successful in the penultron episode?  Find out in this week’s episode!
